HUSAC - High Complexity University Hospital
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World Congress of Medical Simulation
WCMS 2023


"New Frontiers in Scientific Education".


VI International Congress on Research and Innovation


"Scope of Artificial Intelligence in Professional Practice."


El World Congress of Medical Simulation – WCMS 2023 y el VI Congreso Internacional de Investigación e Innovación es organizado por el Hospital Universitario Simulado de Alta Complejidad – HUSAC y el Centro de Investigaciones e Innovación – CIINA de la Fundación Universitaria Navarra – UNINAVARRA, el cual, se llevará a cabo en modalidad híbrida (presencial y online) en la ciudad de Neiva (Huila), Colombia, durante los días 15, 16 y 17 de noviembre del 2023.

The WCMS is projected to be the largest event in the South Colombian region dedicated to simulation technologies in medical care and simulated medical education experiences to improve patient safety, seeking to provide a unique experience of scientific knowledge in the region and the country. The event will feature national and international presentations with interactive question and answer sessions, presentation of live simulated clinical cases, training workshops, exhibition of simulation technologies in medical care and networking opportunities and interaction with people from different parts of the world around the advances in medical simulation, which will show in a practical way the usefulness of simulation for the training of advanced surgical skills mainly in the medical specialties of interventional cardiology, general surgery and neurosurgery.

El VI Congreso Internacional de Investigación e Innovación, es un evento para la apropiación social del conocimiento y la divulgación pública de la ciencia, que contará con la participación de ponentes nacionales e internacionales, así como con la presentación de trabajos libres que permitirán socializar resultados y avances en materia de investigación. Este evento se ha posicionado en la región gracias al éxito de sus versiones anteriores; además, viene mostrando un crecimiento continuo en el número de asistentes, ponentes y conferencistas internacionales quienes, a través de su activa y generosa participación, han permitido presentar en el sur de Colombia investigaciones actuales y de impacto a nivel mundial.

This year, we have invited experts from the United States, Mexico and Colombia with recognized trajectory and leadership at national and international level.

We invite students, professors, professionals, researchers, institutions and organizations from the education, health and business sectors to participate in this great opportunity.

We look forward to seeing you in Colombia and in Neiva, the bamboo capital of America.


Contribute to the social appropriation of knowledge and public dissemination of science results and advances in scientific research and innovation related to artificial intelligence, healthcare simulation technologies and experiences in simulated medical education to improve patient safety.


Scientific Committee