Recomendaciones de viaje 202
Health protection measures
The Colombian Ministry of Health and Social Protection, through Resolution 555 of 2023, repealed the requirement to present a COVID-19 vaccination certificate and PCR test with negative result for travelers entering Colombia and established the following measures:
Use of mouth masks: The use of a mask will be mandatory to enter health care institutions and nursing homes. The use of face masks is recommended for persons 60 years of age and older or those with comorbidities and immunosuppression, as well as those with respiratory symptoms.
Self-care measures: It is the responsibility of each person to take care of himself/herself, avoiding contact with those who may be at risk of transmitting the COVID 19 virus.
Yellow fever:
* Países con riesgo de transmisión de la fiebre amarilla y países que exigen una prueba de vacunación contra la fiebre amarilla - Organización Mundial de la Salud More information
* Municipios específicos de Colombia de alto riesgo de fiebre amarilla - Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social de Colombia More information
Measures for foreigners entering Colombia by air or sea
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia has issued different immigration regulations available on its web page:, and the following recommendations are made:
Check-Mig: The Special Administrative Unit of Migration Colombia requires filling out the form online 24 hours before the flight:
Visa: Foreign participants in the event whose country of origin requires a Colombian visa are responsible for processing and assuming the costs of this document directly at the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs following the official procedure published on its website: UNINAVARRA does not interfere in the visa approval decision.
Migratory permit: Foreign participants in the event whose country of origin does not require a Colombian visa, must present the letter of invitation or acceptance from UNINAVARRA The immigration permit must be stamped in your passport before the officers of Migration Colombia upon your arrival in the country: Integration and Development Permit (PID).Please verify that the permit marked is the one mentioned, otherwise request its correction.